Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cemil Akmaca First Pray Of 2010

Dear friend, we have faced the risk of eviction many times in our neighbourhood since 2002. Our nights turn into nightmare. We don't want to plant a tree in our garden. We even don't want to paint our homes on account of the fact that our homes will be demolished in any case. We also don't want to repair our roof with the same reason. We are weary of life in contemplation of if our house will be evicted. Then, the Roma Workshop was organized, we became hopeful.

Don't we make any mistake? We are not able to explain our demands in a healthy way. What are our demands? We are not able explain our demands because of the situation for everyone to be talking all at once.

Honorable friends, don't we have problems before the establishing of governor party? Didn't we face discriminative behaviours before Justice and Development Party? Weren't we ashamed of declaring we are Gypsy before? Weren't our children despised in schools? Do we have social security before? Were there a lot of doctors, officials or lawyers among us? Dear friends, our problems are too old and some of them still continue.

I am not a member of any political party. It's not suitable for me. On the other hand, we shouldn't hope the governor party to solve all of our problems in a split second. Yes, we still don't have any social security, unemployment is a big problem. Everybody knows that. This is a general problem of my country. However we are happy with social aid policy of the government. They give us food aid and coal.

We wish there is no eviction. We wish our houses are not to be evicted in the context of urban transformation. We wish authorities to ask people before determining urban transformation policy. We wish our houses to be repaired. We wish our land title to be given us. Then we would be so happy. We could subsist in any case. But if our houses are evicted, we won't have any chance to built them again. There will be an election 5 months later. I hope they hear our voice and consider our demands to determine a new urban transformation policy. This is my first pray in 2011

*The President of Kağıthane ROMDER

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