Let's zoom in the begging issue. Let's evaluate the name beggar ascribed to people suffering from poverty. I wonder who forces these people to beg in my country? I wonder how many people, who have enough money to sacrifice an animal for God at Muslim Festival Of Sacrifices, give meats of the animal to poor people who need it really.
We see some people claming that its forbidden to give meat of sacrificed animals to the poor people, who haven't eaten meat for months... So these poor people went to altars since the first day of the Festival to collect a piece of meat. They are being despised there. There are also some people giving 100 gram meats to the poor people.But They are also rubbing in it for 100 times.
Who forces these people to beg? Have they been forced to beg by themselves or by the people who sacrifice an animal for God but never give meat of it the poor people? Do the ones, who categorize poor people as beggars for a piece of meat, have no responsibility for this situation? Do people know that asking poor people to be complete Muslims to give a piece of meat is not accordant with the religion?
Sacrificed animal is an oblation. God would not accept oblations if the one sacrificing discriminates people according to their religion, language or sect to give meats of sacrificed animals. Muslims in our country with enough money to sacrifice animals for God have to give meats of sacrificed animals to poor people who need it really even they are non-muslims. Further, non-muslims have to be given more. This is rule of our religion. We learned this from our ancestors. It is the biggest sin to burp looking at someone who is hungary.
There are many Roma who haven't eaten any meat even too many animals were sacrificed. We hear that there are some people who claim "It's a sin to give Gypsies meat of sacrificed animals.". We hear that there are some people blaming poor Roma not being prayer enough with those words "We won't give you meat, because you are drinking alcohol and you are not coming to Mosque." So our people are being forced to beg for a piece of meat since first day of the Festival. We also see some people asking poor people to take the responsibility of their sins even they give only the rubbish parts of animal they won't eat like foods or tripe.
A human without bread to eat starts to beg! Then some writers write "logical" explanations for the situations and they stigmatize Gypsies as beggars! There is only one thing we can say: "Here's a to-do! Here is out of order! Help ya muhammed, Help ya Ali!"
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